Do you need a few credits to graduate? Need a flexible schedule? Want to graduate early? Plan to get college credits before graduation? Or simply want to learn at your own pace,
Then East Valley High School is for you! Our PEAK program will consist of core academic curriculum and electives for high school credit.
All students will be assigned one class in each of the four labs in the following areas: Math, English, Science/History, Electives
- All classes will be designated for credit according to their program of study and Arizona State Standards
- Student Education & Career Action Plan (ECAP)
- Classes in the computer lab will be monitored daily
- Classes will be monitored weekly with work effort log
- Students who do not produce appropriate number of assignments on a daily basis will be subject to an academic contract that if broken will be transferred to our traditional high school for their program of studies.
- If a student consistently does not produce for continuous period of time (2 weeks) they will be transferred to our traditional high school immediately, and/or expelled from school.
- Students will read and sign our Student Lab Center usable contract and abide by the rules given by the school and teacher/s throughout the program.
- Students are held to the same academic and attendance policy handed down and approved by the governing board at East Valley High School.